WHEN the French decided that liberty, equality, and fraternity translated into not allowing Muslim girls to wear a hijab in schools, there was a storm of protests. The basic right of these girls to wear their head dress was infringed upon. One group of Muslim parents decided to start up their own private school where their kids weren't marginalized or made to feel like criminals due to their faith. On the opening day, the number of reporters outnumbered the students and staff. Things have changed dramatically over the years, with the school being highly sought after. It is exemplary in many ways with parents taking a keen interest in the running of it. A few years later and the school is not only flourishing but, in a recent report, the Islamic school ‘Lycée Averroès' in Lille, France, topped the rankings of best schools in the country. The tragedies of the Muslim world are huge and all encompassing, but they are not the whole story. Amidst the rubble and despair, the anguish and oppression, there is hope. And Allah knows that at times like these, we could do with a bit more of that. — SG