day film festival featuring Saudi films which began here on Saturday has been an instant hit. The festival at King Abdul Aziz Cultural Center Babarq Al-Ragama is part of the festivities planned for the Eid holidays in the Red Sea port city. The festival is being organized by Rowda Media Production and Distribution and Kawthar Foundation and Production for the public. “We have a number of Saudi films with the aim of presenting a picture of the social and cultural life of Saudi Arabia to the general public. This has been done with creativity and the use of modern technology,” said Mamdouh Salem Director of the film festival. The festival presents Saudi Arabia through a series of films and documentaries reflecting the culture of Saudi Arabia and the lives and aspirations of its people, Salem explained . The Executive director of the Eid festival, Dr. Fahd Gazoli, said that this year a number of children's films have been screened especially for children and families. The films which are being shown in the Eid film festival are: “Habbab and Dog's Magician” is an adventure of a boy Habbab who belongs to a rich family and who learns the language of dogs. Habbab's father throws him out of the house. The adventure continues as Habbab is confronted with a number of dangerous situations, like meeting cave men and mummies. The film also contains a number of children's songs of Tariq Al-Jar. Famous musician Hisham Al-Sakran has provided the enchanting music. u “ Early Night” is a comedy based on the life story of a truck driver Abu Hilal who tries to compare three famous Arab traditions which can still be applied in modern times. “Tohan” is a film about the abuse of drugs among the younger generation . “Child adventure” is based on a true story of a child who tries to save his nation when his father leaves him and his mother behind in the search for a job. Whether the child succeeds in his mission can only be found out by watching the movie. “Adventure of the City Center” is a film about a group of talented friends who have lived together since their childhood and leave everything to save their homeland. “Spider Web” is about law and order as a goal in controlling crimes. “Stability and Plants” contains children's stories about the Hijazi heritage. “Lailati Al-Bader” (The Nights of Full Moon) presents the pictures of celebrations, customs and ceremonies of the Hijazi traditions of Ramadan, Eid and childbirth in Saudi Arabia. “Valley of Souls” portrays the hardship of a teacher who five years after his graduation still cannot find a suitable job. __