I.ZONE, Saudi Arabia's leading destination for all things Apple and its related accessories, expands its product range by leaping into lifestyle technologies for health and fitness to bring you i.Health Corner. i.Health corner has a range of mobile personal healthcare products which can connect with iPhone's, iPad's and other smartphone devices. “Now constant tracking of health is at our fingertips. With our busy lifestyles it is important to be able to keep track of our health and i.Health Corner is just for that,” the company said in a statement Monday. “I.ZONE realizes that health is a dynamic process because it is constantly changing and now with advancement in technology there is a way to keep track of your health much easier. The integration with mobile technology has captured the imagination of users, who can now measure, track, share their data and play a more active role in managing their health. Essentially we are making it easier for people to care and share through their achievements,” Mishaal Alireza, VP of Marketing for Alireza Holding Co. said. “We believe these brands represent the best in their category and the integration of technology in these products makes it convenient to actually maintain and track your health. Consumers today are health conscious and this category launch provides a platform for these consumers to monitor their health and wellness daily.” i.Health Corner is comprised of some of the following products, with many more coming soon: Jawbone Up activity tracking band, iHealth Wireless Body Analysis Scale, iHealth Wireless wrist monitor, iHealth Wireless Activity and Sleep Tracker, Wireless blood pressure wrist monitor, Fit Bit tracking bands and many more devices. — SG