Customs officials at King Fahd Causeway on Thursday foiled an attempt to smuggle hashish and narcotic tablets hidden in the fuel tank of a car, Yusuf Al-Zakan, Director General of the Causeway Customs, said. The unusual attitude of the motorist aroused the suspicion of the officials and upon thorough checking, 22 kg of hashish and 856 narcotic tablets neatly folded in plastic bags were found in the fuel tank of the car, Zakan said. Meanwhile, Turki Al-Wadei reports from Dhahran Al-Janoub that security patrols of Al-Rabwa Rural Center foiled an attempt to smuggle 70 kg of hashish in a Saudi national's car. The smuggler admitted to the charges against him and said he wanted to hand over the drugs to a man waiting for him outside Dhahran Al-Janoub. – Okaz __