Many people suffer from heartburn all the time, some ignore their pain while napping or simply watching TV until their stomachs decides to cool down, others prefer to put an end to the annoying pain by using antiacids. But despite what many may think heartburn is not a simple and none alarming condition. In fact it is considered serious enough to be given the catchy medical term, Gastro-Esophageal Reflux Disease, for a name. From ulcers to cancers, the list of GERD predisposed complications is quite long, including conditions that are at the least serious. It's enough to know that the acid secreted by the stomach, which causes the pain is hydrochloric acid, an acid so strong that if bottled it must be labeled “corrosive”, since it is capable of destroying human tissue on contact. Left untreated, GERD can cause a condition known as Barret's esophagus, in which esophageal cells change into mucus secreting, intestinal cells. The change is an attempt made by our bodies to dilute the strong acid in order to minimize the damage. Later on a Barret's esophagus can rupture or develop into cancer; both conditions are considered life threatening and are usually enhanced by bad habits like smoking and drinking alcohol. Seeking medical advice is strongly recommended if you suffer from chronic heartburns. A few minutes at the doctor's office might actually save your life. __