Bushra Al-Rabeah, nutritionist Ramadan is a great opportunity to change your lifestyle as a whole. You can make it healthy for the rest of your life. Start by altering your diet through small steps so as to change the traditional Ramadan dishes to healthy dishes that are nutritional and easy to digest. Eat fresh fruits in Ramadan and do not neglect them: Fruits have a nutritional value so do not deprive yourself of fibers, vitamins and mineral salts that they contain. Drink fresh fruit juice: Do not drink packed, ready juice, as it is of low nutritional value and has a high sugar content. Eat cereals and focus on them: Reduce intake of fatty meat. Cereals give protein and important mineral salts for the body's function. They are devoid of fats. For example, prepare samosas and pastry from cereals instead of meat. Replace butter or ghee with olive oil: As olive oil contains Omega 3 oils, which do not raise the cholesterol level in the blood contrary to butter or ghee. Reduce intake of spicy foods: Because they are difficult to digest and cause a person to be thirsty. Eat moderately salted foods: Avoid salty foods or those that contain salts and fats together like cheese, ready meals and fried foods. Reduce salt intake: Especially during the last meal (Suhoor). Excess salt causes a person to feel thirsty. Drink small quantities of fluids while taking Iftar: Avoid filling one's stomach with food and juices together so that you are not affected by indigestion. Avoid salad dressings: As they contain mayonnaise and oils in large quantities. Replace them with lemon, herbs and yoghurt. Drink water and other fluids regularly and periodically between Iftar and Suhoor: Do not neglect this. Reduce drinking tea and coffee and replace them with ordinary water: Taking drinks containing a lot of caffeine has a diuretic effect. This causes the body to lose large quantities of fluids. Eat foods with high fiber content: Eat foods like salads, grains and fresh fruits. Avoid foods with low fiber content like foods prepared from white flour. Replace cream with milk or yoghurt in dishes that require cream: Like macaroni, porridge and salads. Add vegetables to all dishes one can add to: Like rice, pastries and macaroni. Replace frying with grilling and bread: Grilling and bread help maintain food content without their gaining high calories. They are also easier to digest. Buy small packs when shopping and not family size: For they entice one to eat more. Take fresh foods made at home instead of restaurant foods and ready, packed foods so as to ensure that you get the full nutritional elements.