Electro Cautery is an important devices in all medical specialties, particularly skin and beauty for its tangible results, the results are fast and safe through the issuance of an electric current. Current of different intensity and frequency is used depending upon the case. It is the process of heating tissue with electricity. The procedure is often used to stop bleeding during surgery or after an injury. Electro Cauterization is a safe procedure that is routinely used in surgery to remove unwanted or harmful tissues. It can also be used to burn and seal blood vessels, which help reduce or stop bleeding. A small probe with an electric current running through is used to burn or destroy the tissue. A grounding pad is placed on the body (usually the thigh) before the surgery to protect the patient from the harmful effects of the electricity. The process is conducted under the able hands of our doctors. Important indications are: • Removal of the white hair that does not respond to laser treatment in only one session • Treatment of warts and skin appendages • Treatment of fat that appears and increases with age due to the excessive exposure to the sun • Removal of birthmarks and moles. • The treatment of certain vascular lesions such as Spider-veins • Treatment of white points from under the eye It is not advised to use the machine on patients with heart problems, sometimes the device can cause mild burns or bruising but it can be treated with creams. Dr. Diana Al Kadi Derma-Cosmetologist