Businesswomen in the Eastern Province can now have their own offices in a women-only office complex that opens today in Khobar. The business complex, aptly named Unity Businesswomen Services Center, will be officially inaugurated today, and will be open for business on April 1 under the patronage of Asharqia Chambers Eastern Province. “The Unity Businesswomen Services Center provides entrepreneurial women with offices equipped with all the facilities they need to run and operate their businesses,” said an official of the center who asked not to be named. She said the business center will be managed through Islamic principles. “The center will also provide support to non-profit women's organizations, charities and interest groups by offering meeting space for their events.” The place is also a learning center where women who are starting their own businesses can visit, interact, and learn from those who are already settled and operating their enterprises and business establishments, according to the official. “Visitors will get a chance to actually meet businesswomen who work here and they can learn more about the services provided by the center,” said another official who asked not to be named. “It is a great opportunity for ladies to understand more about how to effectively open offices in the male dominated business community.” Besides office spaces, businesswomen starting off their offices are provided access to the conference room, a secretarial pool complete with computers and information technology gadgets, coffee shops, and 24-hour security. “Though there are similar facilities available for Saudi women in Riyadh and Jeddah, no other organization in the Eastern Province offers an exclusive women-only office space like the Unity Center,” center officials told the Saudi Gazette. “The Unity Center is not just office space; but is a high-end, highly-serviced, all-inclusive office solution. There are many Saudi women in the Eastern Province who are in to the business sector now and they can make use of our services to take their entrepreneurial dreams to highest levels.” __