With regard to the article "Justice for children of Saudi women" (May 24), I would like to say that this situation cuts across class, race, ethnicity, etc. I am a foreigner and a professional and my wife is Saudi also a professional and seven months pregnant. We married last year in Riyadh, but our child will not gain Saudi citizenship when it is born in August. We also found out that the yet unborn child would not have British citizenship either, as we were married in Saudi Arabia and the British government does not fully recognize the marriage. The situation is very complicated with many grey areas. I have read constantly of the possibly that this or that concession might be made but never have I heard the words full citizenship for the children of Saudi females married to foreigners. My wife and I were lucky enough to marry again in the UK so that our child will have British citizenship, but ideally we would have wanted our child to take on the citizenship of its Saudi mother and the country of its birth. Ramon Mohamed, Online response