Senior Ukrainian official Andriy Yermak said Tuesday that talks between the United States and Ukraine have "started very constructively." "The meeting with the US team started very constructively, and we are working to bring about a just and lasting peace," said Yermak, who is Ukraine's presidential chief of staff. Yermak is part of Ukraine's negotiation team, along with the country's foreign minister, defense minister and other officials, who are meeting Tuesday with US Secretary of State Marco Rubio and national security adviser Mike Waltz in Saudi Arabia. Meanwhile, Russia said it was hit by a "massive" Ukrainian drone attack overnight Tuesday, hours ahead of critical talks between officials from Washington and Kyiv. Moscow's defense ministry said it had downed 337 drones it claimed Ukraine had fired at Russia, of which 91 had targeted the Moscow region. If confirmed, the aerial attacks would represent one of the largest on Russia since its invasion of Ukraine. Falling debris damaged buildings in Moscow, in what mayor Sergei Sobyanin said on Telegram was a "most massive" attack. Two people were killed and at least six wounded in the Moscow region, said regional Gov. Andrey Vorobyev on Telegram. He added that the falling debris started a fire in a parking lot that burned through more than 20 cars. Video geolocated by CNN shows an explosion at an apartment building in the southern Moscow region. The reported attacks forced two Moscow airports to close for safety reasons, as well as two airports east of the city, according to state-run news agency TASS, adding that several flights to Moscow were redirected to other airports. Meanwhile, the Ukrainian Air Force said it had defended against Russian ballistic missile and drone attacks overnight. At least one person was killed and 18 injured, according to a CNN tally of figures released by various Ukrainian officials. — CNN