Lulu Hypermarket has made Saudi Arabia's largest doughnut during its ‘Food Fiesta 2012' festival on April 24. The giant doughnut, unveiled at Lulu's Murabba outlet, took 20 chefs and 15 hours to make, using over 15,000 single doughnuts, 800 kg of flour, 120kg of sugar, 16 kg of salt, 16 kg of yeast, 25 kg of milk powder, 38 kg of butter, 500 eggs, 120 kg of chocolates, 60 kg of cocoa buttera nd 30 kg of sprinkles. The super-big doughnut measured five meters in diameter and weighed a whopping 825 Kgs. After the inauguration, the huge doughnut was displayed for customers until late at night. Huge crowd were present to take a look at the large doughnut. — SG