RIYADH — Saudi Arabia's Attorney General Sheikh Saud Abdullah Al Muajeb has met in Riyadh with his Chinese counterpart Ying Yong and reviewed with him bilateral relations between the two judicial bodies. The Chinese procurator-general is on an official visit to Saudi Arabia with a high-level delegation from the Supreme People's Procuratorate of China. During the meeting, Ying watched a presentation on the legislative and institutional development in Saudi Arabia, and a summary of its judicial system, as well as an overview of the Public Prosecution. The presentation also included an introduction to the digital governance practices implemented by the Saudi Public Prosecution in handling criminal cases, and indicators of achievement of the judicial and procedural work undertaken by its members. The official visit aims to enhance bilateral relations, review the most notable joint parliamentary and justice work, and discuss ways of strengthening legal cooperation between the two bodies to achieve judicial progress in Saudi Arabia and China.