Ukrainian prosecutors say they have discovered four Russian "torture sites" in the southern city of Kherson. The "temporary detention centers" were discovered in four buildings that the Russian forces had allegedly used during its occupation of the city. "During the capture of the city, the occupants illegally detained people and brutally tortured them," the Ukrainian prosecutor's office said on Telegram. "Parts of rubber batons, a wooden bat, a device used by the Russians to torture civilians with electric shocks, an incandescent lamp, and bullets from the walls were recovered." "People in cells and basements were subjected to various methods of torture, physical and psychological violence," it added. Ukrainian forces recaptured Kherson earlier this month after Russia withdrew its forces and moved some of them to reinforce positions in the eastern Donetsk and Luhansk regions. Kyiv has repeatedly accused Moscow of committing "war crimes" and "atrocities" since its invasion on Feb. 24. Russia has denied the allegations. Russia has meanwhile vowed to punish those responsible for the deaths of a group of Russian soldiers in Ukraine. Videos emerged last week on Russian social media of 10 soldiers lying on the ground before a man seemingly opens fire. Moscow claims that the men were prisoners of war who had been trying to surrender to Kyiv before they were "brutally" killed. "Naturally Russia will search for those who committed this crime itself, they must be found and punished," Russian presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters on Monday. Peskov added that Moscow would turn to international bodies for help, "if it can be useful". The UN's Human Rights Monitoring Mission in Ukraine has also called for further probe. Ukraine's deputy prime minister says the country will investigate the video footage. In his daily address on Sunday, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said nearly 400 Russian attacks had taken place in the east of the country in the last 24 hours. "The fiercest battles, as before, are in the Donetsk region. Although there were fewer attacks today due to worsening weather, the amount of Russian shelling, unfortunately, remains extremely high," Zelensky said. "In the Luhansk region, we are slowly moving forward while fighting. As of now, there have been almost 400 artillery attacks in the east since the start of the day," he added. — Euronews