Missiles hit the southeastern region of Zaporizhzhia in Ukraine on Friday, following an earlier wave of strikes in northeastern Kharkiv that injured nine people, local authorities said. "Russia attacked the city with S-300 missiles. A residential building and infrastructure facilities were destroyed," Zaporizhzhia Governor Oleksandr Starukh said on Telegram. No deaths were reported as a result of the attacks, though Starukh said there were three wounded, adding that the data yet to be verified. Starukh also said that the gas system of a residential high-rise building had been damaged, resulting in a fire and the destruction of a wall. Indicating that emergency services were already on the ground, he added that the Russian forces had targeted a school in one of Zaporizhzhia's districts, resulting in damage to the building. "There were also hits on infrastructure facilities and open areas," he noted. Two separate attacks had shook the Kharkiv region earlier in the day, local authorities had said. "Three people were injured as a result of the second attack by the Russians in the Kyivskyi district," Kharkiv Governor Oleh Synyehubov said on Telegram. During the first attack, missiles were reported to have struck other parts of the region, resulting in the injury of six people. — Agencies