The Digital Government Authority (DGA), in cooperation and coordination with government agencies, has launched an awareness campaign about fake applications that impersonate government applications. The authority Governor Ahmed Bin Muhammad Al-Suwayan said that such fake applications violate the user's privacy causing serious consequences. The authority stressed the need to ensure the accuracy of the application data before downloading it to smart phones in order to benefit from digital government services reliably. The authority also provided a confirmed list through the unified national platform as a reference for all reliable government applications. It also called on all beneficiaries to ensure the validity and safety of applications and obtain them from the website of the government entity itself. Beneficiaries are also obliged to report any fake applications, and they are advised to check the app data from the developer page before using any government application. The Digital Government Authority seeks to be the only authority in everything related to digital government as the national reference in its affairs. It also seeks to arrive at an initiative-oriented and proactive digital government capable of providing reliable and highly efficient digital services. This the authority eyes in order to contribute to meeting the needs of beneficiaries with safety and reliability and strengthen partnership with government agencies, which in return will harmonize government procedures.