The Abu Dhabi Police (ADP) has warned job seekers about fraudulent employment ads on the Internet and those impersonating famous companies, which is a telephone hoax that recently emerged as a result of increased unemployment caused by the coronavirus outbreak. The police urged job seekers to be cautious and not be taken in by fraudulent employment websites, which deceive people and claim to offer job opportunities that require the payment of fees, noting that credible employment companies do not charge fees or ask for personal information. The ADP also stressed that imposters take advantage of job seekers, contact their victims through fake websites on the Internet and demand fees. The Abu Dhabi Police further said that victims of this type of fraud are not limited to job seekers in the UAE, but also throughout the world, noting that fraudsters use social media or fake websites to contact job seekers and claim that they are accredited employment companies, before asking victims to provide them with personal and banking information, while demanding specific fees. — WAM