Zain KSA continued to apply devices cashing back feature for Mazaya postpaid packages (Elite, Premium, Smart) subscribers, which allows them to buy the latest smartphones within Mazaya packages, with the ability to recover up to 100 percent of the device value. The company indicated that this feature provides customers with a wide range of the latest 4G/LTE smartphones such as iPhone 5, Blackberry Z10, Galaxy SIII LTE, LG Optimus, etc. on their Mazaya postpaid package which besides the free unique phone number, provides all integrated and valued services to subscribers, by offering them an integrated monthly package of voice calls minutes, SMSs, and data transfer, so they can enjoy the high speeds provided by Zain KSA network. The company indicated that this feature as part of its effort to step up with customer service and to provide them with all-new in the world of telecommunications and information technology, with Mazaya postpaid packages which is considered one of the best in the Kingdom by offering total and integrated communication solutions for subscribers. Zain KSA, which was recently crowned the best 4G/LTE service provider in the Kingdom, is working on the introduction of unprecedented packages and offers to its customers so they can combine best services and prices, and strengthen their will by providing them with all options characterized with flexible packages and offers. — SG