For the first time, a mobile clinic will visit Jeddah districts to provide counseling, AIDS testing and distributing flyers. The clinic starts its job on Monday. “National AIDS Control Program aims through mobile clinic to provide young people with information about AIDS and its transmission routes and methods of prevention,” Sana Felemban, head of King Saud Hospital in Jeddah, said. The mobile clinic will provide AIDS testing without taking any personal data, she said. On the other hand, Sami Badawood, head of Jeddah Health Affairs, said the AIDS program in Jeddah tested some youth in shopping malls as part of the Jeddah summer festival. That motivated in the formal launch of the mobile clinic, he said. “We tested some 385 youths from both the genders. The results were negative, but they were made aware of steps to protect themselves from the deadly disease,” Badawood said. According to the latest available statistics, 84 children are infected with the disease out of 1,238 AIDS cases known across the Kingdom, according to Dr. Tareq Madani, adviser to the health minister and consultant on AIDS treatment. __