The Indian cricket board has decided to introduce salaries for its national selectors months after a row erupted over chief selector Dilip Vengsarkar writing syndicated columns. Senior national selectors will receive an annual salary of 2.5 million rupees ($57,603) and the junior and women's panel members lesser sums, the board said in a release after a working committee meeting. Selectors have been barred from holding any office in the board or its affiliates. Former skipper Vengsarkar threatened to resign late last year after the board asked him to stop his paid columns. The Indian board will depute a woman coach to China to help promote women's cricket in that country, the governing body said. It will also donate $50,000 worth of cricket gear. India backs Pakistan The Indian cricket board wants Pakistan to remain as host for next month's Champions Trophy amid doubts over the competition's fate due to security concerns for some participating teams. “We are fully supporting Pakistan,” Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) secretary Niranjan Shah told Reuters on Saturday, adding: “But we will have to wait and see.” The International Cricket Council (ICC) executive board is holding a teleconference on Sunday to decide whether the premier eight-team event from Sept. 12-28 will stay in Pakistan. South Africa pulled out of the event on Friday and a senior Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) official told Reuters that England, Australia and New Zealand could follow suit, having raised concerns following a spate of suicide bombings in Pakistan. India, Sri Lanka, West Indies and the hosts are the other four teams scheduled to compete. Shah said it would be up to the PCB to discuss any other options if the ruling body chose not to stage the event in Pakistan. Sri Lanka is the designated replacement host although ICC chief executive Haroon Lorgat told Reuters on Tuesday it was now too late to switch the tournament.