Mishal Al-Otaibi Saudi Gazette RIYADH — The Ministry of Health Affairs has issued on its Twitter account a number of instructions to its followers on what to do when confronted with emergency situations where they have to deal with an unconscious person. It has defined this individual as one who does not respond or practice any activities. In some cases, the person loses awareness without losing consciousness. These cases require medical intervention to prevent any complications that may develop. Unconsciousness can occur due to a number of reasons. Injury, low sugar level, misuse of medicine, illness, dehydration, low blood pressure, heart problems and problems in the nervous system may cause a person to become unconscious. It is important to distinguish between deep sleep and unconsciousness. A sleeping person will respond to loud voices, or shaking. An unconscious person cannot cough or empty his airways, thus endangering his life. The ministry stressed the importance of calling an ambulance to deal with unconscious cases. The patient's airways and pulse must be examined to determine whether he needs resuscitation. If the patient is breathing and does not have a back injury, he should be laid to his side, and his knee should be bent while keeping his head tilted to the back. In case of low sugar level, the patient should be given fruit juice or saline water if he is suffering from low blood pressure. However, if the patient is unconscious, no fluids should be administered to him, as they may block his airways. In case of a spinal injury, the patient should not be moved as long as he is breathing. If he is vomiting, the whole body should be moved to the side, and the neck and the back should be supported. Patients with chronic diseases are advised to carry a medical card describing their condition. To prevent such cases, any situation that may cause low sugar levels should be avoided. Low blood pressure patients are advised to avoid standing for lengthy periods and to drink lots of fluids. Patients that experience any dizziness should lie down or sit on a chair and bend their head to knee level. These tweets were met with approval from the site followers, as many had come across unconscious people but did not know how to deal with them.