Khaled Al-Sulaiman Okaz newspaper I was not surprised to read the statements made by some of the recently appointed female members of the Shoura Council. They all pledged to embrace women's issues. Many women intellectuals in our country still remain focused on women's issues only and are unable to come out of the captivity of their femininity. Dr. Thuraya Al-Araydh, for instance, has made women driving her priority as if this is the most pressing issue in our society. Dr. Hayat Sindi, on the other hand, said she would take the side of female Shoura members in discussions at the council. There are other leading female writers and intellectuals who are unable to extricate themselves from the concept of promoting the cause of women. They have dedicated themselves to caring only about female issues. They do not realize that by so doing they will be consolidating the seclusion and captivity of woman to her feminine abyss. The woman is an integral part of society and an equal partner to man. When a female wishes to address social issues, she should embrace the causes of both genders. The issues are often common and the concerns are the same. There is no distinction between man and woman in this respect. My advice to the female Shoura Council members is that their mistaken belief that they represent women alone will further consolidate the isolation of women. They should represent all segments of society on an equal footing. Whoever believes that since she is a female she should only represent women should save her time and effort and give her seat to other women who will be aware of their responsibility as representatives of both men and women in the council. The woman is a partner equal to man in society and as such should give equal attention and support to the issues of both men and women.