A surprise visit by a team of General Directorate of Health inspectors at a private polyclinic here resulted in uncovering dangerous violations. The inspectors found an electrician working for the polyclinic dispensing medicines to patients besides writing directions to patients on how they use the medications. They also found three nurses working in different sections of the polyclinic without being licensed by the Saudi Council for Health Specialties, Al-Watan said. The Health Ministry's rules make it mandatory for all medical staff working in private and public hospitals and clinics to pass an eligibility test to practice in the Kingdom. Apart from this, the inspectors didn't find general practitioners in the polyclinic though it functions round the clock. This constitutes a violation of the ministry's rules stipulating the employment of female and male GPs in clinics functioning round the clock. Dr. Ala Mufti Director of Medical Licenses at the Directorate in Medina, said the polyclinic has been ordered closed. __