I CAN safely claim that everyone criticizes racism but who has not committed this sin one way or the other? To despise a person because of his color, origin or place of birth is a real problem. Hateful words are currently being thrown around on our social media websites in which anyone who is not “purely Arab” is vilified and ostracized. Yet, when we look at people of Asian, Turkish or Persian origins, we find that these nations are far ahead of us, more civilized and advanced than us. Someone from Saudi society may look down on someone from say Turkey as if he has surpassed the Turks through diligent work. He will mock people of Asian origins as if he was able to compete with Malaysia, South Korea, Singapore and China in the advancement and progress they have achieved. He will also mock Indians as if his own country has surpassed India in its civilization or scientific progress. We tend to despise other nationalities as if we have beaten them in every field. Some people in our society are extremely proud of their lineage, skin tone, tribe and even region yet belittle all other cultures and nationalities. Such a filthy and racist mindset requires serious treatment. One medication is cultural in nature and involves learning the etiquette of dealing with others and another involves creating a conducive atmosphere in our homes so our children can have an upbringing in which they learn to respect everyone. In short, racism is lack of respect for others whoever they may be. Paradoxically, some people who belong to societies where the culture of human rights is strong are also racist. Under the concept of human rights all people are equal and humans are brothers who should treat each other with respect and equality. The contradictions between words and deeds are the byproducts of bad conduct. The most abhorrent of these behaviors is racism. There are very bad racist comments being circulated openly on a number of websites frequented by Saudis. The people who dare make these racist comments should be punished by the full extent of the law. In short, to annihilate racism, we need to follow two tracks: A cultural track to enlighten the older generation against the hazards of racism and an educational track for the young at home to teach them to respect others. There should also be a law to severely punish anyone who makes racist comments or questions the honor of his fellow human beings.