Bank AlJazira recently launched its “Absher beezzak” campaign which provides current customers or those with transferred salaries, with access to fully Shariah-compliant finance that fits their needs in face of the ever changing life requirements. The campaign is open to all groups of society including government and semi-government employees, as well as non-civil and military officers of all ranks, in addition to retired staff. The campaign, considered to be the strongest campaign the bank ever ran, comes with highly competitive margins and value customer benefits on the bank's various credit and finance products including; personal finance, real estate finance and credit cards. Khalid Al Othman, Senior Vice President & Head of Retail Banking Group at Bank AlJazira, said “this new campaign reflects our commitment to our customers and to fulfilling their genuine needs through the wide spectrum of features and benefits packed within our personal and real estate finance programs. Besides being fully compliant with Islamic Shariah guidelines, beneficiaries now can start paying back their first installment after six months of acquiring the required finance. This feature is offered to all Bank AlJazira customers, current and new, alike, with the possibility of transferring their debts from other banks to enjoy concessional finance of up to SR1.5 million of personal finance or SR5 million of real estate finance, all offered at a very competitive profit margin considered to be one of the best in the Kingdom.” — SG