Siddharth Roy Kapoor with Vidya BalanMUMBAI – They may have chosen to keep mum about their wedding, but a source close to actress Vidya Balan has confirmed that she will soon tie the knot with longtime beau Siddharth Roy Kapoor, UTV Motion Pictures's CEO. According to the Times of India, Balan has placed an order for 18 hand-crafted saris from her all-time favorite fashion designer Sabyasachi Mukherjee. Although the date and venue of the wedding are still under wraps, sources say it is mostly likely to take place in the morning in keeping with Tamil traditions in a South Indian temple. Later, a reception will be hosted by the couple in Mumbai. Balan, who is currently shooting for the comedy “Ghanchakkar" opposite Emran Hashmi, has reportedly taken a two-week break in December. — SG