Saleha Bint Nasser Mujalli, mother of Dr. Hashim Abdu Hashim, former Editor-in-Chief of Okaz, Muhammad Abdu Hashim, Dr. Othman Abdu Hashim, Acting Editor-in-Chief of Okaz, Omar Abdu Hashim, Khalid Abdu Hashim, and Intissar Abdu Hashim, passed away Thursday. Funeral prayers were performed after Asr (afternoon) prayer. She was buried in the Ruwais Graveyard. The Hashim family will accept condolences as of today at Dr. Hashim Abdu Hashim's home on the Corniche, behind Chuck E. Cheese. Condolences can be faxed to 02-6764003. The Saudi Gazette Acting Editor-in-Chief and the SG staff express their deep sympathies to the Hashim family. May she rest in peace.