NEW YORK – Controversial pro-Israel, anti-Islamic ads went up Monday on 10 locations in New York City subway stations. The ad, which was condemned by several groups, reads: “In any war between the civilized man and the savage, support the civilized man. Support Israel. Defeat Jihad.” (While many understand jihad to mean waging war, its primary meaning is the inner struggle to be a Muslim). Muslim and non-Muslims alike took to Twitter to denounce the Islamophobic ad. Their responses were both humorous and thoughtful. The Huffington Post quoted a tweet: “In NYC We Speak 140 Languages and Hate Isn't One Of Them.” The ads were posted in accordance with a July US District Court ruling, which ordered the New York City Metropolitan Transportation Authority to run the ad. MTA had argued that the ad violates its policy against demeaning language. The ad, which is also currently running on buses in San Francisco, is sponsored by the American Freedom Defense Initiative, or AFDI, whose executive director, conservative blogger Pamela Geller, is a fiery critic of Muslims, liberals and mainstream Jewish organizations. In 2011, the Southern Poverty Law Center branded the organization a hate group, while the Anti-Defamation League said in March that Geller “fuels and fosters anti-Muslim bigotry in society.” In September 2011, the MTA ran ads calling for an end to US aid for Israel. – Agencies