The first week of September is no doubt extremely hectic for school, college and university students, teachers and their families. The stress level in most homes is skyrocketing as last minute registration procedures, transportation arrangements, and shopping are finalized. It will probably take several days for students to get their biological clocks to sync with normal sleeping patterns, and get back to the usual routine. Following are eight tips to help reduce your stress level, regardless of you being a student, parent or teacher. Be wary of caffeine abuse In moderation, coffee or tea can keep you alert and help you get going in the morning. You must know that caffeine is a powerful stimulant and should not be used as a quick fix for sleep deprivation nor should it be consumed in excess. Over consumption of coffee and tea can make you more jumpy, anxious, and irritable and can interfere with your ability to relax, unwind, and sleep. So, you should not be drinking more than one or two cups of coffee in a day. Get enough shut-eye Ramadan and the excitement of Eid have thrown sleeping patterns off the normal biological course but students can gradually retune their bodies to sleep early in the night and rise early in the morning. Specialists recommend seven to eight hours of sleep at night for adolescents, and nine to ten hours for younger children. Getting enough sleep at night is imperative for growth, mental and physical development, supplying the body with enough energy to last all day long and enable it to carry out all functions and activities, and mental clarity. Chronic lack of sleep leads to mental cloudiness, inattentiveness and inability to concentrate in class, drowsiness, depression, and mood swings. Exercise One of the best ways to de-stress your life is regular physical exercise. Aerobic exercise releases endorphins, opiate-like chemicals in the brain that make you feel happy, relieved, and more tolerant of discomfort, pain, and stress. These chemicals give you a sense of well-being and strength. Through physical exertion and perspiration, your body gets rid of the harmful chemicals produced by the body when under stress. Excellent forms of stress busting exercise includes walking, jogging, bicycling, skating, dancing, swimming, jumping rope, and climbing stairs. Adequate nutrition Your car will not run on an empty oil tank, so you should not expect your body to run efficiently and your mind to function smoothly without fueling it with a good breakfast. In the morning before you rush for school or work, eat a small and simple meal that contains complex carbohydrates, simple sugars, and some protein. Healthy breakfast ideas include: a glass of orange juice and toast with cheese, a glass of milk and a bran muffin, a handful of dates and almonds, a glass of milk and a banana, an apple and toast with a tablespoon of peanut butter, oatmeal with raisins, or an egg sandwich and an orange. Minimize TV time Watching television for entertainment can be a source of stress in disguise because it steals from the hours of your day, which causes you to frantically race to get important tasks done later on. Sitting in front of the television for extended hours strains the eyes, causes headaches, wastes students' time, and leads to inactivity and laziness. A New York study found that teenagers who watch several hours of television a day do worse at school, have shorter attention spans, are more likely to have learning difficulties, and graduate later and with lower marks than teenagers who spend less or no amount of time watching television. Write down a daily task list and a weekly schedule Putting a weekly schedule into ink and placing it in a place where the whole family can see will help you juggle a number of duties without forgetting important dates, feeling stressed out and frazzled. The schedule helps you keep track of soccer practice, art or swimming lessons, homework time, doctor's appointments, and shows you empty slots during which you can socialize, shop, or go out for a relaxed dinner with your family. Cross off items as you complete them because that will give you a positive boost and a sense of accomplishment. Escape alone for half an hour a day You do not have to go anywhere far; it can be the neighborhood mosque, your bedroom, study, or a hot bathtub. Dedicate some time each day for relaxation, meditation and visualization, offering prayers, reading an inspirational book, cooking, writing, or any other soothing activity. Use natural herbs that are soothing Chamomile makes a tasty tea and promotes relaxation, relieves stress and tension, and induces sleep. Other herbs that are safe and well known to calm the nerves include lemon balm, passion flower, spearmint, and catnip.