ON the auspicious occasion of our 66th Independence Day, I extend my heartfelt felicitations to all the Pakistanis in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Today is a day to revive our pledge to serve and defend our country, protect and work for its progress and prestige. In 1947, when Pakistan gained independence it was the blessed month of Ramadan. August 14 coincided with the 27th of Ramadan, a day considered most auspicious and blessed in the Islamic calendar. This year, August 14 falls on 26th of Ramadan. Pakistan is a very important Islamic state and is the only country created in the name of Islam on such an auspicious date. Allama Iqbal gave the idea of creating an independent state for the Muslims of the sub-continent where they could practice their religion according to their own wishes. The dynamic leadership of Quaid-e-Azam united them to achieve this goal. This day reminds us of the historical struggle and sacrifices made by our forefathers to create a separate homeland. Now, it is our responsibility to make Pakistan an enlightened, tolerant, progressive welfare state. The challenges that we are facing today demand that we remain united. We must endeavor to utilize our energies in transforming Pakistan into a modern, Islamic welfare and democratic state. This year, Pakistan's Independence Day has another historic significance as it falls on the same date the extraordinary Islamic Solidarity Summit is taking place. The Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) is the strongest Muslim forum and the collective voice of the Muslim Ummah, it is a true representative of the Muslim world, with 57 member states, and is the largest organization after UN. Saudi Arabia and Pakistan are the leading members of the OIC. Here I feel important to express that the 1974 Lahore OIC Summit, which was organized by the then Prime Minister of Pakistan, Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, with full support of King Faisal, was a manifestation of the strong will and commitment to strengthen the Muslim Ummah. President Asif Ali Zardari gives immense importance to Pakistan's relationship with the Kingdom and he has said that he considers King Abdullah, Custodian of the two Holy Mosques, his elder brother. More than 1.5 million Pakistanis are working in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, which has always been a second home to Pakistanis and they feel blessed to contribute to the progress and prosperity of the Kingdom. I urge the Pakistani community in Saudi Arabia to work with dedication and devotion for the growth and development of not only Pakistan but also Saudi Arabia. Remember Pakistan in your prayers, May Allah keep our beloved country and the Muslim Umah safe in His kind care and protect us from all enemies, calamities and disasters. May this Ramadan bring peace, stability, prosperity and unity in the Muslim world. Sehar Kamran Member, Senate of Pakistan