The mobile of today makes the intellectually curious of yesteryear wonder how it was like when the telephone first came into existence. Its purpose was to communicate and thereby expand knowledge and awareness. It united and sometimes separated individuals who spoke their mind at a distance… as it were. It developed the imagination. It made the world seem to move faster. The telephone was unique and as such provided an intellectual challenge of sorts for the unsuspecting human brain. It appears that mankind was not happy with the telephone as it stopped a short of mobility… it stopped short of immediacy and it stopped short of short…. Technology once more triumphed with the good, the bad and the dubious of the merits of the mobile. Millions all over the world of different cultures, traditions and motivations suddenly found themselves with a magic tool that they could use in the toilet, in a dry spot of a shower and under the sheets and other coverings of a private bed. Such as with alcohol… addictions were formulated for young and old… bright and stupid. A remarkable tool this. The mobile rapidly grew into the status of "celebrity" depending on its manufacturer. A mobile today is an icon taken everywhere for the individuals security and self confidence. Millions of individuals find themselves making calls with no purpose in mind… "Hello" – "Goodbye" "Did the cat eat" "Is today the weekend",,, "The tree is growing…"… "Yes, No". Remember the "security blanket"? Now it is the "security mobile". We see men, women and bright children of advanced IQ jealously guarding their mobile as they cross the street. They provocatively exchange glances to be sure that they are seen and or noticed by all passersby. A goal, away of life. A new identity of who I think I am. During the Eid holiday when anyone asks anyone what would you like as a gift… the answer in ten our of ten answers will be a bright –eyed "A MOBILE but preferably an expensive and complicated one". Clearly but unbeknown to all of mankind, the mobile is in control. The mobile controls millions around the world and more dangerous is that it has "power". An insidious power which manipulates ideas and minds and which shapes directions and reasons for living. The power of the mobile controls the collective and individual economy. Boundaries and people will soon fall and go bankrupt under the influence of the hunger of the mobile. Men, women and bright children have no control and find themselves making hundreds of call for no rhyme nor reason. A sudden urge and another one hundred Riyals go down the wire as it were. Odly enough, it does seem that the mobile of today has advanced to a point where it can ring itself. That is to say that it goes off in your pocket or purse by itself. It rigs and rings again searching for perhaps a soulmate which it can awaken to awaken the owner to make still another call of no merit. And so it goes and goes on. The magic tool it must be noted is in control and this is a frightening prospect for tomorrow and for the generations to come. Where or will it end? Who, how will it be stopped. And most important of all… what is its real goal. Should rehabilitation homes for the addicted be built where the glassy eyed now under complete control can somehow return to a normal form of communication? Write your opinion in five words or less and give it to a friend. Ask yourself who, what and why and an accurate answer will set you back on a path of recovery. __