The article “The freedom of the hijab” (July 15) is interesting because the author states that it gives “her spirituality” as her own and under her authority alone; a personal bond with her Creator, guiding her everyday life. As far as I know - consulting my Penguin edition of the Qur'an - it is recommended for women to “draw the veil around them” (33:52) so they can be “recognized as Muslims” and, therefore, not be “molested by men”. In my opinion, this recommendation had great merit in the past and today protects women from being approached by strange men. So, therefore, Prince Ali of Jordan told FIFA that the hijab is not a spiritual covering, but a cultural statement. Well, in that case non-Muslim women can - instead of wearing a boring granny scarf - wear the hijab, as it is not a spiritual marker, as a fashion item. The author informs us that she became a “hijabi” in the first place so that she can be whomever she wants to be without ever having “to choose” between her religion and her rights.