Abdullah Bin Bakhit Al-Riyadh newspaperStunt driving is a peculiar Saudi phenomenon. I see it nowhere else. As my daughter tells me, instances of stunt driving in the Kingdom can be viewed from clips available on YouTube, watched by those all over the globe. I looked into this matter and came to know that people watch the stunt driving taking place in the Kingdom as an “exotic" phenomenon. It further seems that the world believes this form of driving to be legal in the Kingdom, and a matter which concerned authorities do not try to crack down on. However, these drivers cannot continue unchecked unless the community is indifferent to the dangers this form of driving poses to other drivers and the safety of others. Yet, stunt driving in the Kingdom has been going on for nearly 30 years. In many ways, stunt driving has developed to become a part of youth culture. It can lead to a wide range of crimes, as youth are tempted to steal cars and lure minors into joy riding – a deadly game – which can cost many lives. Nevertheless, these joy riders have become heroes for some youth, despite their costing lives and terrorizing innocent people. In my opinion, joy riding should be treated as a trend that poses a serious threat to the community. Nothing can justify it – be it moral, religious, or psychological reasons. Those indulging in joy riding and stunt driving know the dire risks of their actions. Nothing can bring an end to this phenomenon other than stringent security measures. It is high time to enact laws aimed at putting an end to reckless stunt driving, similar to the laws created to combat the use and distribution of drugs and alcohol. We have to formally proclaim war on stunt driving and joy riding in the Kingdom, and put an end to this practice once and for all. It is essential that the authorities do not delay their responsibility to deal with this matter, which threatens the lives of many.