Fawaz Al-Riyadh newspaper A society can sometimes be harsh on itself. It may not have a clear idea of its needs, and may lack clarity about its identity. Our society is wrapped within an Islamic identity, and some may argue that we have lost many of Islam's refined qualities as is the case with other Arab communities. It can be distressing if a society fails to understand itself or lacks conviction and is forced to grope in confusion while evaluating its problems. The challenges confronting our society today are vast. When a segment of our society begins a dialogue on a particular issue, other members of society rush in to add their views. Before long the discussion is diverted from its original course. Emotional outbursts take the place of reason and logic. Reactions to the debated issue become rapid and noisy. Does the root cause of our insecure social identity stem because a section of the society disputes or rejects the words and actions of other sections of society, or is it because of a lack of conformity between the words against the deeds of society. It is obvious that while some people take an uncompromising stand on certain issues, others in disagreement leave the country to exercise their views. Such contrasting and unyielding reactions within the members of the same society obscure our social issues and make solutions difficult. Transparency is the first victim when views become rigid and uncompromising. An opinion is a mere view even if the tongue that utters it or the pen that writes it is different. Every view can have a variety of reactions if it is done in sincerity. People within the society should refrain from diminishing other views to mask their own disagreements or rejection of that view. __