Saudi Gazette Acupuncture promises a non-invasive, non-surgical approach to obtaining immediate pain relief from chronic conditions such as migraines and osteoarthritis, which may have been plaguing sufferers for years. Since it is safe, relatively easy to administer and effective, acupuncture is gaining popularity in Saudi society and more and more people are searching for licensed acupuncturists in the Kingdom. The philosophy behind the traditional Chinese healing methods of acupuncture is that a life energy called qi flows through the body and keeps the body balanced and in good health. Any obstruction in the flow of energy or stagnation will create an imbalance; resulting in illness or disease. Inserting a hair thin needle at the point on the body that corresponds to the ailing body part stimulates the area, removes the obstruction that was blocking the flow of energy and enables the body to heal itself. The scientific explanation is that stimulating the central nervous system releases neurotransmitters, natural endorphins and hormones that alleviate pain, boost the immune system and normalize various disrupted body functions. The Saudi Gazette spoke with the first Saudi doctor to become licensed by the Ministry of Health to practice acupuncture in the Kingdom. Professor and medical doctor Hussein Dachiel graduated from medical school, specialized in ear acupuncture at the German Academy for Acupuncture and treats patients in Jeddah at his polyclinic for ear acupuncture. In this school of medicine, it is believed that the human ear is a mirror of the entire body and each organ of the body is represented by a corresponding point on the outer ear. Dr. Dachiel has over 35 years of experience and has written the first and only textbook and medical reference on acupuncture in the Arabic language. “Acupuncture is not only about temporary and symptomatic pain relief. It is true that acupuncture provides a 100 percent relief of pain, but it is also curative and healing; it cures the disease from its root causes and allows the body to heal itself. It is the pain relief medications that are taken as a quick-fix to ease the pain while ignoring the underlying causes of the disease,” said Dr. Dachiel. “In my practice I have come across countless patients who complained of throbbing migraine attacks or painful knee joints for years and have switched from one physician to another and swallowed one pain relief drug after another, with no permanent solution. Patients who consume over the counter pain relief medications for prolonged periods of time are at a high risk of kidney failure. The effects of acupuncture are phenomenal and more importantly long-lasting. As soon as the needle is pushed into the correct point, the patient exclaims: I cannot believe it, I am free of my pain! Usually 2 to 3 sessions are enough, but patients with chronic and complicated conditions may require 10 to 15 sessions,” added Dr. Dachiel. Abdo Al-Shaa'iri, a patient the Saudi Gazette met, had been in a terrible car crash several years ago and even after years of therapy he suffered debilitating pain in his neck and back region which extended to his arms. “I came to the acupuncturist in hope of finding an end to my constant pain. This has been my third session and I already feel less pain and have a wider range of movement in my arms and neck. I was nervous at first and worried about the prick of the needle, but the short discomfort is worth it as acupuncture has liberated me from my pain that has been my unwanted companion for years,” said Al-Shaa'iri. The World Health Organization (WHO) released a list of conditions that have been proven to be successfully treated by acupuncture. According to the WHO, acupuncture can remedy a host of health complaints, including gingivitis, sinusitis, bronchitis, bronchial asthma, inflammatory bowel syndrome, ulcers and other gastrointestinal disorders, headaches, migraine, facial palsy, middle ear or Meniere's disease, sciatica, lower back pain, osteoarthritis, tennis elbow, involuntary bed wetting in children and other neurological and musculo-skeletal disorders characterized by inflammation and pain. Although there is an increased acceptance of acupuncture as a sound method of treatment in Saudi society, Dr. Dachiel believes that there is still a large lack of awareness and education among the general society that acupuncture is a viable health care option. He strongly advocates the growth of acupuncture in the Kingdom and says it can remedy 60 percent of the Kingdom's healthcare needs while saving the nation billions of riyals spent each year on health care costs. “Acupuncture has 5 health advantages that make it superior to other methods of treatment and which no other form of medicine can match. Acupuncture provides immediate results, has no risks or side-effects and requires no expensive laboratory tests, x-rays or pharmaceutical drugs. Acupuncture is so safe that we even treat babies and children with disabilities, muscle dystrophy, epilepsy, nocturnal enuresis (bedwetting in older children) and other conditions,” said Dr. Dachiel. At his clinic, in addition to the traditional acupuncture needles, Dr. Dachiel now uses high-tech laser acupuncture which involves less discomfort for the patient during the treatment. This method of treatment combines the old ways of healing with new and modern technologies and it combines the wisdom of the East and West. One major hurdle acupuncturists must overcome in the Kingdom is the exclusion of acupuncture as a medically covered treatment option by insurance companies. A one hour session can cost anywhere between SR300 and SR500. “In reality, medical insurance companies should be chasing after us to approve our sessions and cover patients who receive acupuncture treatments. If medical insurance companies covered acupuncture treatments in the Kingdom, they would save billions of riyals that are unnecessarily spent on pricey medical procedures,” said Dr. Dachiel. __