Residents born to Saudi mothers are rejoicing at the news that they will finally receive the Hafiz state support they are entitled to. The reason benefits had been delayed was due to resolving identification issues at the Ministry of Interior. Dr. Ebrahim Al-Okail, general manager of the Human Resources Development Fund, confirmed that they are currently working through 8,000 applications. All residents born to Saudi mothers should start receiving their Hafiz payment within three months, he said. Females account for 65 percent of the applicants due to priority given to Saudis in the job market. “I've been unemployed for a year and every interview I go to, my nationality creates a problem even though I have a permit stating that I have to be treated equally to Saudis,” said Marwa Bamashmoos. At stark contrast, men with Saudi mothers have faced few issues in securing employment. “I have never had a problem with my nationality,” said Amjad Al-Hussaini, an engineer. “Opportunities are provided equally but qualifications are what counts.” Hussam Al-Suwaid, an HR manager, believes there shouldn't be a distinction between Saudis and Saudi mothered employees. “For years I have been involved in recruitment campaigns for major corporations. In my eyes Saudi or Saudi mothered are all one and the same. I'm so glad they are now given equal opportunities as they deserve it.” __