Sitar player Anouska Shankar, whose album “Traveller” takes a journey through the music of India and Spanish flamenco to explore their shared Gypsy roots, was named Best Artist in Songlines magazine's annual world music awards. At a time of political unrest in Mali, artists from there took two awards — veteran Sahara Desert bluesmen Tinariwen were named as Best Group while their young compatriot Fatoumata Diawara was Best Newcomer. Best Cross-Cultural Collaboration went to renowned American cellist Yo-Yo Ma and his fellow musicians Stuart Duncan, Edgar Meyer and Chris Thile, who combine classical and bluegrass music on “The Goat Rodeo Sessions.” Shankar is the daughter of legendary sitar player Ravi Shankar and the half-sister of Norah Jones. For “Traveller she teamed up with the in-demand Spanish producer Javier Limon, Indian singer Shubha Mudgal, guitarist Pepe Habichuela and singer Buika among others, mixing ragas with flamenco rhythmns.