Teaching creates all other professionsAyesha Sabiha Shariff King Abdul Aziz University (Salama Campus) Coordinator / Instructor The turning point in my life and in my profession was when we first moved from US to Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. I have always been interested in diverse culture, and moving down here gave me the opportunity to learn more about the country and its people. During the pursuit of my degree in the US, I was very fortunate to have an array of different teachers with different teaching styles and diverse philosophies. However, I was fortunate to have had a few very special teachers, too, who passionately touched my life and whom I'll never forget. Their assistance is an inspiration in my career. I consider captivating students in real-life training, and hands on activities gives me an opportunity as an educator to make problem-solvers, creators, doers, thinkers, leaders, etc. This will promote life-long learning. I am also an open- minded person, therefore, this candidness has helped me widen my perception and improve culture-specific manners. I feel that these are essential qualities for any teacher to possess, in fact, it is this awareness that initially motivated me to enter the field of teaching. During the years I worked as an instructor at Manarat International School, I loved teaching students from diverse cultures. Our Philosophies vary from time to time because we live in a world that moves at a very fast pace, and we have to move our dreams and ideas with it. I have pursued a degree in education with a concentration in teaching. Now, I am a coordinator and instructor of English as Second Language at King Abdul Aziz University (Salama Campus); and I absolutely love it. I especially like teaching adult beginners and when they make themselves understand in another language, it gives me immense pride. Teaching for me is more than a career. It is a responsibility that has always given me a great sense of achievement and fulfillment. In addition to transferring knowledge and interacting with students coming from a different culture, teaching leaves me with a sense of academic and moral satisfaction. I try to prepare my students for the world we live in today. My philosophy of education is very simple. I believe that learning should be fun while still conducive to learning! As told to Munwarunissa Nazneen/Saudi Gazette __