As Aamir Khan gets ready to launch his maiden TV show Satyamev Jayate, he has managed to keep everything under wraps. But insiders associated with the new show reveal that the star is planning to launch a music album around it, reports Hindustan Times. Since the inaugural season is expected to have around 16 episodes, Aamir and music director Ram Sampath of Delhi Belly (2011) fame have created roughly 16 songs to go with each. “The idea is to create a special number for every episode,” says the insider. Apparently, during a brainstorming session, it was Aamir who floated the idea of coming out with an album once the show comes to an end. “Since all the songs are shaping up nicely, everyone is excited about the idea. Aamir and Ram are still working on a few songs. Once everything is finalized, the next step will be taken,” adds the source.