King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology(KACST) selects Thomson Reuters solutions to advance scientific research, foster innovation and encourage technology transfer internationally. The Intellectual Property & Science business of Thomson Reuters, the world's source of intelligent information, announced Wednesday in partnership with KACST, an independent Saudi Arabian scientific organization reporting to the Prime Minister, that KACST selected Thomson Reuters as a partner of scientific and patent information, analytical insights and services for KACST. KACST coordinates with government agencies, scientific institutions and research centers to foster research and exchange information and expertise. Saudi government officials aim to establish the Kingdom as a science-centered economy capable of creating unique technologies and achieving sustainable economic growth through international collaboration and an innovative National Strategic Plan. KACST selected several Thomson Reuters solutions that provide essential, foundational tools for the support of its National Science, Technology and Innovation Plan (NSTIP), evaluating universities' and institutes' research performance indicators, as well as empowering cutting-edge research. These solutions include drug pipeline data, patents, scholarly citation information and custom reports utilizing advanced analytic capabilities. As a critical component of Saudi Arabia's drive to become a knowledge-based economy, Thomson Reuters and KACST are also facilitating a program to expose the Kingdom's intellectual property to the global scientific and business communities. "KACST is at the forefront of Saudi Arabia's plan to reinvent itself as a knowledge-based economy over the next 15 years, and our partnership with Thomson Reuters is critical to the Kingdom's success in becoming an innovative nation with competitive advantage," said Dr. Alswailem, vice president of research support, KACST. "The high quality research environment hosted by KACST is complemented by the high quality scientific data, tools and services from Thomson Reuters, thereby creating a unique platform upon which we can support and recognize the Kingdom's contribution to the global scientific community.” he added.