the hottest new face in Bollywood – says there were times during his childhood he couldn't stand his famous uncle. “He really enjoyed teasing me and ragging me when I was small, so actually throughout the time that I was growing up, I didn't like him at all,” Imran Khan told Reuters. But things are better now. “Since the time I turned 12-14, our relationship changed a lot, and we became good friends. We have similar sense of humor and we get along very well now,” he said. “He (Aamir) has always said that you have to figure out things for yourself, be it in the film or scripts that you choose or the way you do your work or the style you act.” Imran, 25, plays the lead in “Jaane Tu…Ya Jaane Na,” a coming of age tale about teenage love that opened in cinemas to rave reviews last Friday. For Aamir Khan, producing his nephew's debut film brought back memories of his first blockbuster hit, a film produced by Imran's grandfather. “Now that the film is ready it brings back emotional memories of chachajaan (uncle) launching me in ‘Qayamat Se Qayamat Tak,'” the 43-year