Allah said, “And of everything We have created pairs, that you may remember.” (Qur'an, 51:49) In another verse he said, “And We have made from water every living thing.” (Qur'an, 21:30) The above verses refer to the knowledge of plant life unknown to people in the seventh century, and that the water is the very basis of all life forms. The Arabic word “Zojain” means a couple, male and female. Animate beings or inanimate beings all have been created in pairs. In another verse Allah said, “Wherein will be every kind of fruit in pairs.” (Qur'an, 55:52) In the days of scientific ignorance nobody knew that the element of sex united the pairs, which produced their progeny. Thus, every living thing, men, animals and plants have all been blessed with sex to maintain their race. Allah emphasizing this very fact said: “Glory be to Him Who created all the pairs of that which the earth produces as well as of their own (human) kind (male and female) and of that which they know not.” (Qur'an, 36:36) Our modern knowledge in Botany confirms that plants of various kinds are unisexual or bisexual. The fertilizing winds cause pollination. Pollination means the transfer of pollen from one to another stigma. And, stigma is that part of a pistil that receives the pollen. The cell Biology in genetics proves that only Allah is Unique, and He is the Creator. None other than Allah can even create a cell of a living thing. It is He who has mentioned everything in the Qur'an. __