JEDDAH — Memon Welfare Society (MWS) Patrons and Office bearers and members of Managing Committee met at Lasani Restaurant Jeddah recently to discuss and approve welfare activities for next quarter. MWS, with strength of managing board of almost 40 members and serving the local community under banner of MASA (Memon Association Saudi Arabia), regardless of nationality identified areas of action. The plan chalked out includes various activities related to education, medical, sports and betterment of women in the community. Career guidance, seminar, symposium, Islamic quiz, award ceremony for meritorious students were suggested. Accordingly, the 5th Annual Award Ceremony for the students of the Memon community, who have achieved outstanding position in their exams of school, college or universities, was decided to be held on Friday Jan. 27 in the auditorium of Al Shallal Park. The Women Wing of MWS-MASA has been advised to chalk out their events/programs to be attended by ladies only. The session was presided by the President Irfan Ahmed Kolsawala and Tayyab Moosani, secretary general. All board members participated in this brainstorming session for the upcoming educational event. It was decided that the invitation cards would be available from Jan. 19 on various designated spots. Board members included Irfan A Kolsawala, Tayyab Moosani, Younus Habib, Mansoor Shivani, Rashid Kasmani. Patrons Iqbal Advani, Munaf Bakhshi, Dr. Hamid A Khader, Mohammed Badi, A. Rahman Merchant and Kaleem Ahmed Naviwala assured the managing board of their utmost cooperation and support.