Okaz/Saudi Gazette JEDDAH — An imam was sentenced to 45 days in prison for defaming Saudi actor Nasser Al-Qassabi and claiming that he was an apostate. A source said Al-Qassabi commented that he did not take the accusations personally, and he just wants to ensure that people are held accountable for defaming others without any evidence. "Al-Qassabi said that he is pleased with the judge's sentence to the imam in Asir. He also said people in leading religious positions should not abuse their great influence to spew hatred and extreme ideologies," said the source. The source added Ubai Bin Kaab Mosque Imam Saeed Bin Farwah had verbally attacked the Saudi actor Nasser Al-Qassabi during a Friday sermon last year. "The imam accused Al-Qassabi of being an apostate for an episode he acted in the television program Selfie that aired last Ramadan. The episode shows Al-Qassabi wearing a short dress and smashing musical instruments," said the source. The source added the imam apologized for his accusations but Al-Qassabi filed a lawsuit against the imam. "The Ministry of Islamic Affairs opened an investigation into the incident and forwarded the case to the legal authorities. The imam was sentenced to 45 days in prison and he took a pledge to never repeat his doing," said the source. The source added imam Saeed Bin Farwa stated that he never received any sentence.