Economy and security are two of the most important pillars of any civilization. Without them, there can be no stability and prosperity. Investment in people is what builds a strong and stable economy. We need to invest in Saudis and prepare them to be innovative and creative. After all, we have rich resources that can help us arm Saudis with the knowledge and science that is needed to manufacture different products. If we look at Japan and South Korea, we can learn a lot of lessons. Both countries were devastated because of war and do not have oil, gas, gold, phosphate or any other important natural resource. Yet, they invested heavily in their people and provided them with knowledge and education. Japan and South Korea believed in investing in minds and they created an environment which helped people to seek knowledge from an early age. Knowledge allows people to achieve things that help their countries advance scientifically. Knowledge gives people the skills they need to defend their homeland. Knowledge is an important tool for eradicating all aspects of backwardness and dependency. We must keep up with advanced countries. The only way to achieve this goal is by arming the younger generation with strong values, such as protecting and serving the homeland. We must always remember that our enemies are lurking around the corner waiting for a good chance to attack us and bring us down.