The other day I saw a driver at the Abu Bakr Road and King Abdullah Road intersection in Riyadh reversing really fast because he had missed an exit. The driver looked like a Southeast Asian and probably knew that what he was doing was really dangerous. Yet, he still did it. For those of you who do not know these two roads, they are large. It is extremely dangerous to engage in such irresponsible behavior, something that puts the lives of other drivers at danger. I was appalled and thanked God nobody was hurt. The driver seemed reckless and did not care about what could have happened to his Saudi sponsor's expensive car, let alone the lives of the drivers who were traveling at speeds of 90 kilometers per hour on the road. A horrific accident could have happened if any of the road users had crashed into the car. Why do some expatriate drivers act irresponsibly on our roads? There are several reasons. Firstly, we do not have surveillance cameras on our main roads. I am certain that installing cameras would curb such negative behavior on the part of some drivers, be they Saudis or expatriates. Secondly, many sponsors let newly arrived expatriate drivers get behind the wheel once they arrive in the Kingdom. It is wrong to train them on the road because that jeopardizes the lives of others. New drivers should only be allowed to drive after intensive off-road training. Thirdly, the new traffic regulations do not mention anything about the mechanisms used to crack down on violations on a daily basis. Every day, we see reckless and irresponsible drivers engaging in dangerous stunts and getting away with it. The new regulations are apparently not that effective in curbing such behavior. Fourthly, new drivers arriving in the Kingdom from other countries seem to be unaware of the new traffic regulations. The relevant authorities should explain to them driving regulations and penalties in case of violations. Fifthly, the reckless behavior of some Saudi drivers has resulted in a spread of these negative practices on our roads. Expatriate drivers watch Saudis violating road safety rules and emulate them. They know they will get away with breaking the law. Sixthly, many young men use their cell phones when driving, something that results in tragic accidents. I wonder why traffic officers do not enforce the law against using a cell phone when driving. Unless traffic officers crack down on violators, the number of casualties on our roads will continue to rise.