One person was killed and one injured in an exchange of fire during a routine security patrol in Al-Awamiya late Thursday, said an Interior Ministry spokesman in a statement Friday. The “security forces' patrol was carrying out its normal duties in Al-Awamiya late Thursday when it was attacked with a petrol bomb that left it in flames,” said the statement issued by Maj. Gen. Mansour Al-Turki. When security forces “tried to control the fire, they were shot,” it said, adding that Saudi forces responded. “The exchange of fire left two of the assailants wounded. They were taken to the hospital where one of them later died,” the statement said. “The security forces will deal firmly with all cases and situations that endanger the security and safety of citizens and security forces,” it added. Earlier this month, authorities published a list of 23 suspects wanted in connection with disturbances in the Eastern Province in recent months.