Fawaz Alhokair group opened its first retail store, Honey World fashion, in Billy Beez entertainment facility at Dhahran Mall in Dhahran City. The store sells accessories, candy, and a diverse number of gifts catering to the needs of children and their parents, giving a unique shopping experience for children seeking entertainment at Belly Beez. The opening was attended by Ghaith Azzam, general manager of the Belly Beez group and a number of executives from Fawaz Alhokair Group, along with a number of children and their families. Ghaith Azzam, General Manager at Belly Beez group, said: "We are very happy for opening the first retail store in Belly Beez. This store ensures that families can have all what they possibly can need when visiting our entertainment city. We hope that this blessed step is the beginning of a series of openings that will take place in Belly Beez cities around the Kingdom. We currently have 12 Belly Beez entertainment cities and it is one of the top priorities of Al Fawaz Alhokair group to push for the growth of each and every one of them so that Belly Beez becomes the premier choice for all parents. It is important to note that Fawaz Alhokair group opened its first Belly Beez city in 2011 in Haifa mall Jeddah. Since its opening, the city has gained so much recognition and has won the Saudi Tourism Award for the year 2013 as the best entertainment center in the Kingdom. The Belly Beez group has several branches in Saudi Arabia, Egypt and the United States. It has plans to open more branches in the following years to come.