The Arab Peace Corps is an initiative of the New Arab Foundation, a nonprofit think tank on a mission to address the challenges of the region and introduce a roadmap of achievable goals toward a new renaissance for the Arab world. Its objective is to seek exceptional people from around the world with different expertise to promote a new "vision" and a new direction for peace and a more prosperous future. The Arab world is threatened by a global trend that is dominated by greed, selfishness and violence, which is destroying the environment and polluting innocent minds with devious thoughts. Greedy criminals are robbing innocent citizens who remain too complacent to rise and hold them accountable. Strange viruses and mental illnesses are on the rise. There is a crisis of social and civic breakdown. Billions of dollars are spent on weapons of mass destruction and not much on environmental and civic needs. Unnecessary criminal wars are waged while poverty and disease are rampant across the globe. Meanwhile, failing Arab governments and corrupt leaders have led to the uprisings in the so-called Arab Spring. The devastating aftermath will take years to heal. A new direction toward peace building and conflict resolution is critical. The Arab Spring in Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen, Syria, Iraq and Libya has led to armed conflicts and the destruction of social and public security and political order. The Arab world needs renewed commitments to peace and nation building, and more expertise in conflict resolution and mediation, building political and governing institutions to provide viable and practical solutions to conflicts and addressing the needs and ambitions of Arab citizens who are crying for peace, security and prosperity. The Arab Peace Corps calls on Arab citizens not to remain bystanders and ignore the dangers of wars, conflicts, chaos, terrorism and despair that are ruining their lands, killing people and destroying the future of their children. There is an urgency to develop an Arab Peace Corps that invests in peace and development. The Arab world is in deep trouble, with failing states and civil wars. Today it's Iraq, Yemen, Syria, Libya and Sudan, but we must not allow the spread of these threats to the rest of the Arab nation. Tens of thousands of "jihadist" recruits are joining Al-Qaeda, Daesh (the self-proclaimed IS) and Jabhat Al-Nusra. They are coming from Europe, the US, North Africa and the Arabian Peninsula. Even non-Arabs from Chechnya, Maldives and Indonesia are joining the fight. They are joining "Islamist" militias to kill and get killed, to destroy but never to build. There is a need to change the direction of existing war policies through global initiatives and regional social development. The initiatives of the Arab Peace Corps are desired by all. Politicians have failed to bring about peace in many parts of the world and the Arab world in particular has suffered the most. The only way forward is to use meaningful peace initiatives to help nations live in peace, help them forget their pain, and end the cycle of revenge and grief. While the prime objective of the Arab Peace Corps is global, it is important that their programs be implemented in the Arab world in areas of distress and calamity. The Arab Peace Corps mission is to work toward implementing development programs for marginalized communities not only in the Arab world but in Europe, the US and Canada. Transforming the power and innocence of youth into positive, self-reinforcing contributions for the better good of themselves and their society. In the Arab world, the majority of the young population are for the most part marginalized, unemployed and humiliated at home with uncaring societies. Living in poverty with no hope to escape their miserable life, they join "jihadist" groups putting entire societies and nations at risk. It is important to increase their sense of belonging to their community, society and nation. The Arab Peace Corps hopes to create a voluntary two-year service utilizing the commitment, skills and dynamism of college graduates and retirees from within the Arab world and from the US, Europe, Canada and Australia among others, to help build shattered or marginalized communities with education, health care, agriculture, artisan and small industries, community development and participation, tutorial and mentoring programs. This community service will not only make a positive difference to those communities, but will also provide valuable skills and life experience to the individuals who volunteer and serve as members of the Arab Peace Corps. The New Arab Foundation is the brainchild of Arab American Sami Jamil Jadallah. With its first initiative, the Arab Peace Corps, the Foundation intends to turn around the current negative dynamic by challenging young minds and talents to contribute to life not death, to contribute to building not destroying. It strives to seek and attract "thinkers" and "scholars" to work on issues of priorities for the Arab world. Its mission is to usher in a new renaissance for the Arab world, addressing the challenges and setting an agenda for the future, with innovative solutions to build a 21st century Arab world free from conflicts, sectarian wars, stifling political and religious ideologies and reforming political institutions. It is thus imperative for all concerned Arabs to unite and draw a roadmap for a modern nation that includes all citizens, irrespective of race, color, religion or ethnic origin. "In times of wars, conflicts, chaos, terrorism and despair, investment in peace and development becomes most urgent". (Arab Peace Corps) The Arab Peace Corps seeks sponsors, donors and ambassadors to support them in their initiative. Samar Fatany is a radio broadcaster and writer. She can be reached at [email protected]