[gallery size="medium" td_select_gallery_slide="slide" td_gallery_title_input="Islamic University of Madinah hosts conference against disunity, factionalism" ids="30988,30987,30986,30985,30984"] A CONFERENCE to promote national unity kicked off at the King Saud Conference Hall of the Islamic University of Madinah on Wednesday in the presence of Minister of Education Dr. Ahmad Bin Muhammad Al-Eisa. The theme of the conference is "Achieving unity and leaving off partisanship and disunity is a legal obligation and national requirement". Professor Ibrahim Bin Ali Al-Ubaid, acting president of the university, welcomed the guests. In his speech on the occasion, Al-Ubaid stressed the significance of the Islamic Unity and its achievement. He also underlined the need to cast off disunity and partisanship. The conference aims to unite Muslims and work together to avoid anything that might lead to disunity and factionalism, Al-Ubaid said. This, he said, can be achieved by establishing the tolerance of Islam upon which the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia was established "right from the reign of its founder King Abdul Aziz Bin Abdurrahman Al-Saud until this luminous era of Custodian of the two Holy Mosques King Salman". "The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is a pivotal state, Islamically, regionally and globally. It functions in accordance with the lofty principles and values it derives from the Islamic faith," he said. Al-Ubaid further said Saudi Arabia had paid "fabulous attention" to achieve unity among Muslims upon goodness and the honor Allah has bestowed upon it to be the custodian of the two holy mosques and to ensure the comfort of its visitors, serving Muslims from every nook and cranny of the world. In addition, Saudi scholars make tremendous efforts to explain the importance of Islamic unity and tolerance and that Islam is truly a religion that is fit for all places and times. It is a faith that embraces all mankind with its universality and moderation. He further explained that while the Islamic University is organizing this conference, it wishes to emphasize its mission of inviting to the path of Allah with wisdom and beautiful preaching, to achieve the Islamic moderation, politeness in dealing with people and abstinence from arenas of tribulations an temptations. The organization of this conference came to stress the importance of preserving the fundamental Islamic principles and the risk involved in trying to tamper with them. Moreover, the conference also aims to portray the five basic tenets and expose the deadly consequences of encroachment upon the rights of the Muslim leader by passing fatwas and giving judgments, Al-Ubaid said. He explained the need for unity and the danger of disunity and factionalism, outlining the causes of deviation in understanding the concept of community and unity. He also emphasized the importance of enhancing national unity through the perspectives covered by the conference in its sessions, which the participating scholars and academics will provide. Al-Ubaid expressed his thanks and appreciation to Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman, Crown Prince Muhammad Bin Naif, deputy prime minister and minister of interior, and Deputy Crown Prince Muhammad Bin Salman, second deputy prime minister and minister of defense, Madinah Emir Prince Faisal Bin Salman and Minister of Education Dr. Ahmad Al-Eisa for the support and follow