Saudi Gazette RIYADH – Reducing the gap between education and the private sector, developing on the job trainings, and letting senior expatriates coach and train Saudis, are some of the suggested solutions for making the private sector more attractive workplace for young Saudis During the session titled, ‘Nationals vs. Expats: The troubled dynamics of nationalization', which was part of the 3rd Annual Talent and Diversity Leadership Forum, taking place in Riyadh, the speakers stressed that there are numerous programs to attract fresh graduates to job trainings. The session also stressed on the point that there is a challenge on how could youth be trained and benefit from the expatriates' skills in an efficient way. Raed Daod, VP human capital and administration at Integrated Telecom Company (ITC), explained that the market has been open to Saudis such that there could have been more Saudis in the private sector. One of the obstacles that he perceives in the market is the education system, which has degrees that are not applicable or conducive to the job market, and also there is poor communication between the private sector and education. There is gap between education and private sector and the two systems are focusing on different goals to develop youth. For example, the education system is focusing more on the students GPAs and that has led to a mismatch between the supply and the demand of the market. One of the points that was discussed in the session was the condition of expatriates after setting up a quota for Saudization. It was suggested that, expatriates become more specialized in certain areas — especially in difficult and technical jobs. Those expats can train the new Saudis, which is part of having a healthy environment. This action could have a better impact on the market since diversity builds a better environment. It was said that because of such of a positive experience, Saudization is not against expats. Chief Executive Officer of King Saud University Medical City Dr. Abdulrahman Mohammed Al Muammar said that there is a high percentage of females working in the health and education sector and females are doing very well in both sectors. Because of many females becoming interested in joining the market, their contribution has led to increase in Saudization in the market. The speakers encouraged on job trainings in the private sectors especially for youth. The 3rd annual Talent and Diversity Leadership Forum is organized by Glowork and Naseba and is a two days forum that is taking place in Burj Rafal Hotel Kempinski Riyadh.